Daphne City Council Meeting 9-3-2013
At Tuesday night’s meeting, the Daphne City Council scheduled a special session
to hear a reading of the proposed city budget after the Work Session on
September 23 at 6:30. Council President Ron Scott requested the summary pages
of the proposed budget be placed on the city’s website noting, “I think that
would help the public to see in general what we are talking about.”
gone through this fight in the past,” remarked Councilman John Lake, “... and
we were told by the Attorney General’s office at that time through verbal
communications and that, that the proposed budget even though it was not passed
was public information. I would like to have a copy of the proposed budget on
display in city hall and the library.”
White noted the city took possession of its new fire truck.
Director David McKelroy wanted to remind everyone of the Brown Bag Concert
Series. The next concert, on September 12, features the Mulligan Brothers who
recently returned from opening for Darius Rucker in Biloxi, MS. All concerts
are free and held in May Day Park from 11:30am-1:30pm.
Robin LeJeune commended the sign committee for their diligence citing it is the
only committee that meets every week.
Dane Haygood stated soil samples were taken on Tuesday from the dying oak trees
along Highway 98. The samples were taken to help narrow down the cause of the
tree’s illness.
council unanimously approved:
Haygood, Council President Ron Scott and Public Works Director Richard Johnson
to identify and submit projects to the Metropolitan Planning Organization.
for Mayor Haygood to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Kamco
Daphne, LLC for Right of Way improvements at Bayfront Drive and Main Street.
A Parade
Permit for Gem of Champions 5K Run/Walk on October 19. This is a new parade for
the city of Daphne according to city officials.
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