Fairhope City Council Considers Pier Plan
"Project Engineers, Planners and Landscape Architects for the City of Fairhope... presented a preliminary conceptual plan at the April 27th City Council
Work Session. The purpose of the project is to make safe and
user-friendly improvements to the 10-acre South Beach Park area
(Municipal Pier) to enhance citizens’ use of the waterfront park
facilities while ensuring the park’s long-term resiliency and
sustainability." according to the City's website.
After immense public disapproval after the initial unveiling, the Fairhope City Council considers its options regarding the redevelopment of the city's most prominent public park. Council members noted they had received several complaints about the redesign, with the new parking layout being an especially egregious concern.
The City's release about the project states, "Plan development for the South Beach Park Project, thus far, has
involved the expertise of professional engineers from a variety of
disciplines, key city staff and elected officials, an independent
steering committee, and state and federal funding agency
The project is being paid for by the City of Fairhope’s $6.2 million RESTORE (Resources and Ecosystem
Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies) Act Grant
from the U.S. Department of Treasury.
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