Fairhope Single Tax Colony Meeting for June

     The Fairhope Single Tax Colony monthly meeting for June 10th was held in the small library in the FSTC office. Present were most of the board and approximately seven members. Two of the members present had their membership revoked the previous night, June 9, by the executive council in a 4-1 vote.
     After the "member/lessee concern" portion of the meeting, any nonmembers were required to leave. The two members were then told to leave as they were now considered nonmembers and could not stay for the remainder of the meeting which is referred to as the "business" portion. One member then objected and asked Trustee Leigh Rogers to please read Article VI Section 2 from the FSTC Constitution. Trustee Rogers resisted and stated that a meeting had been held earlier to discuss this particular section of the Constitution and had decided to interpret it to mean the members had lost their rights the previous day when the council voted to revoke their membership. The member insisted at which point Trustee Rogers read the section aloud. The section reads:
"No measure of general legislation passed by the Executive Council shall be in force until thirty days have elapsed after its passage without the filing of a petition for its submission to the membership; provided, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the immediate taking effect of any order of the Executive Council necessary to the execution of measures already in force."
      Treasurer Colin Keleher then spoke and stated it didn't seem as though the revocation was in effect. Trustee George Gilmore then arrived at the meeting and was asked to read the same section. He obliged and then the council continued the push to evict the members at which point the two members left the meeting. 
The FSTC meets the second Wednesday of each month. The next meeting is Wednesday, July 9.


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